But I truly feel like I am at least 1000!
It has been a busy summer! With grand kids and 15 French students (15 and 16 year olds) to entertain I have been running around like a crazy lady! Last week I was soooooooo tired I felt like I couldn't possibly take another step, then I realized that I had been taking Tylenol PM's for my headaches. I was relieved that there was a reason for my tiredness, but in the same breath it is pretty sad that I could mistake Tylenol PM for the regular stuff. I guess that 's what happens when you are 589 months old. Speaking of months, this month Josh came down to visit us. It was only been 84 months since Dale and I last seen him. It's been great! We have really enjoyed him! So I know that you all have been wondering what Josh as been up to the last 84 months. He has pretty much been up and down the East Coast on the SS Jackson which he calls the a boat, but is really a submarine. He was a Nuke guy. A few month ago he was discharge due to being diagnose with diabetes. He plans to go U Mass and major in Physics. It has been so good to have him home with us!